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MS Power Group has been involved in many A class projects all around the world as a supplier of design, construction and consturctional materials. With its experience in these subjects and its principal of high efficient working focus, MS Power continues its selfless work in different parts of the world, both in material supply and application points with its design and material quality that appeals to the eye as well as its own efficiency.


MS Power Group, which has recently taken into consideration the demand and opportunities for companies with high quality standards in the African continent, has made both material supply and construction agreements with many countries that always aim to develop and thus coincide with the company culture and targets with geographical targets. It also continues to look for new opportunities and negotiate for new agreements on continent-wide.

Konteyner Yığını
Finansal Grafikler

Official supplier of IRAQ MINISTRY OF COMMERCE


After various investments and projects on various continents, MS Power Group has been aware that it can also make a difference in the investment and trade sectors and has stepped into the sector. It has taken the long-term good relations it has established with the major producers of our country one step further and transformed its relations with them from a supplier into a business partner and has become the official construction materials provider of the Iraqi Ministry of Commerce. As MS Power, we aim to be present at every point of both traditional and modern investment and trade, to research and develop and to continue our way by growing further by adhering to our policy of targeting the best result in everything we do.

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